Chelsea Leiter Thompson Inducted into Hall of Fame

Browning's Multifamily Vice President of Development Inducted for Her Impact in Commercial Real Estate

The numbers tell the tale: During her 16-year career, Chelsea Leiter Thompson has delivered more than $1 billion in commercial construction and development.

And Thompson has done this while working with a diverse cross-section of product types. This industry veteran, a leader at Indianapolis’ Browning Real Estate Partners, has delivered projects nationwide in K-12 education, retail, mixed-use residential, and industrial.

The secret to Thompson’s success? The relationships that she’s built.

"Relationships are at the core of everything I do. Whether it's collaborating with public and private stakeholders, working with design and construction teams or connecting with community members, building trust and alignment is both rewarding and essential to successful projects."

Thompson also enjoys facing challenges and overcoming them.

“From initial planning and feasibility studies to execution and delivery, I enjoy working through complexities, balancing budgets and timelines and finding innovative ways to meet project goals,” she said. “The process is as intellectually stimulating as it is rewarding.”

Having spent the first half of her career in the construction industry and the second half in commercial development, Thompson has not only built a strong resume and reputation in the commercial real estate industry but also has supported, advanced and helped keep women visible in these fields.

Thompson has experience working with local municipalities leading mixed-use developments like Browning’s recently announced Treeline District in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and with global leaders like Procter & Gamble at the second largest plant in North America early in her career.

She has also been recognized by her peers as a thought leader in the industry and has been asked to speak on several panels.

In addition to her own accomplishments, Thompson is a passionate mentor for those in the industry. For Thompson, nothing is more fulfilling than being part of someone’s growth journey. She loves watching the people she mentors overcome and achieve their goals and grow in their career paths. She also believes mentoring is mutually beneficial as she gains fresh perspectives and ideas from the people she helps.

Thompson is also dedicated to volunteering and leading in our local communities. She is currently serving as President for IndyCREW and in 2023 was the recipient of the Donna Hovey Award, an honor given to a full member who has shown the traits of vision, dedication and enthusiasm for IndyCREW. She also currently serves on the Board of Directors at the Indianapolis Propylaeum and is preparing to lead her team, Moxie & Mortar, for the third year for Habitat for Humanity Women Build.

If Thompson could give advice to others building their CRE careers? She’d advise them to seek out mentors and allies and not be afraid to ask questions. Taking calculated risks and making the most of all opportunities is a necessary move, too, she said.

"I've learned to take calculated risks, recognizing that growth comes from stepping outside of my comfort zone. I've embraced challenges, knowing that setbacks are part of the journey. Perhaps most importantly, I've developed resilience. When I've been knocked down hard, I've never stayed down. I've used those moments as fuel to propel me forward."

Outside of work, Thompson said that she lives for her family- her husband and her daughter- calling them the fuel to her fire.


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