Build Your Network – Chelsea's Story
Chelsea’s journey into construction wasn’t planned. She originally studied psychology before taking a part-time job at the front desk of a minority construction management company during the recession that changed her career path. During her 16-year career, she has delivered more than $1 billion in commercial construction and development, and equally important to her, she has built a strong reputation and network.
As the Vice President of Development on our Multifamily team, she focuses on supporting, advancing, and promoting the visibility of women in the construction and commercial real estate industries – currently serving as the President of IndyCREW whose mission is to transform the commercial real estate industry by advancing women in the Greater Indianapolis Area.
Chelsea recognizes the significance of mentorship in building confidence and advancing careers. Growth occurs more rapidly when one learns from individuals who have navigated similar challenges, and she gains new perspectives and ideas from the people she mentors.
She believes that with many experienced construction professionals retiring, it is critical we work harder at sharing generational knowledge – passing down expertise, supporting newcomers, and creating pathways for growth. It’s equally important to get women working on these job sites and in job trailers to gain from this knowledge-sharing and provide largely unrealized value to our teams over the next generation.